"Why do We Do...
What we do!"

Tom Wait - 8/1/2024
Meet "The Brown Bag Lady," whose wrong turn led her on the path to helping the homeless
Tom Wait introduces "The Brown Bag Lady," who once took a wrong turn when leaving a Lakers game that ended up being a move in the right direction, now having served more than 100,000 homeless people on the streets of LA.

Some of the things that
warmed our heart in 2023.
'We have to help people, we've got to': Serving culinary delights to L.A.'s homeless
Jacqueline Norvell, known as the Brown Bag Lady, prepares beautiful meals
and serves them to the unhoused on L.A.'s Skid Row.
Womankind, USA TODAY

Brown Bag Lady, prepares beautiful meals and serves them to the unhoused on L.A.'s Skid Row.

Brown Bag Lady on The Ellen DeGeneres Show!

The Brown Bag Lady Is Helping Thousands of Homeless in California

In Focus
with Brown Bag Lady

In Focus with Brown Bag Lady

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Kelly Checks In With Brown Bag Lady

Vans teamed up with Los Angeles-based nonprofit, Brown Bag Lady, to donate care packages and meals to un-homed people in the greater Los Angeles area. Eight years ago, Jacqueline Norvell a.k.a “The Brown Bag Lady”, began preparing and delivering meals to the un-homed community along Skid Row in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles.

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